News Nov 21, 2012 at 4:00 am

Sam's Scramble for the Finish Line


The Public Advisory Committee, which was handed the mayor's 83 page long proposal full of technical and legal language at the start of their final meeting today, voted 5-3-1 against the Mayor's proposal (5 against, 3 okay but would like modifications and 1 supporting). That is a pretty amazing defeat given that two of the environmental representatives on the original committee were not present today (one was not able to make the hastily scheduled meeting and I resigned in June when the city last tried to railroad the public process). The Mayor is calling this a "win-win." That is a sad joke---not only does his plan fail to adequately address community health and environmental impacts, but his 11th hour backroom dealing with the Port and his efforts to completely steamroll the public process shred the commitment to equity and inclusive public process that he helped enshrine in the Portland Plan. Really sad to see the mayor go out like this---hunkered down in backrooms with the Port of Portland. The mayor still has time to live-up to the vision of equity that he helped develop. If he won't then hopefully the Planning and Sustainability Commission and the rest of City Council will.....
Bob, thanks for your persistence in fighting this monstrous proposal and pointing out the inadequacy and hypocrisy of the "public process."

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