GOOD MORNING, BLOGTOWN! If you smiling, that should set the tone. (Just be limber, baby.) And If you let go, the music should groove your bones. LET'S GO TO PRESS.
Everybody rest your throat today, because tomorrow is the big Portland Street Fee Public Meeting—and you'll need your "screaming voice." (By the way, this time around you may want to consider directing your screams at the Portland Business Alliance. They're the ones trying to steal money from your pockets and put it in their own.)
In case you missed it, local punk house/venue Dekum Manor caught fire yesterday. No one was injured.
Portland cops will be hiring six civilian analysts to meet standards set by the feds after the bureau was found lacking in their treatment of the mentally ill.
Bong huffers celebrate:The world-famous Cannabis Cup is coming to Portland in July 2015!
CNN's Don Lemon asks a Cosby rape accuser why she didn't use oral sex to stop him. And OH BOY, the internet didn't like THAT very much!
Former model and TV host Janice Dickinson is the latest to step up and accuse Bill Cosby of drugging and sexually assaulting her.
Politics in action: President Obama's sweeping executive order on immigration will probably not extend federal health benefits to undocumented immigrants.
Fear trumps privacy once again as the Senate fails to pass a bill that would curtail NSA surveillance. (They were scared ISIS would sneak into the country and murder us all in our sleep. BAWK-BAWK-BUH-KAWWWW!)
In better Senate news, they oh-so-narrowly voted against the controversial Keystone XL pipeline bill which would've crapped on the environment and contributed further to climate change. (Don't expect this issue to disappear, though.)
Ferguson still breathlessly awaits the grand jury verdict on the cop who shot Michael Brown, and the St. Louis mayor predicts "widespread civil disobedience"—to which everyone else replied, "No shit, Sherlock."
At least four are dead following a massive snowstorm that hit New York state.
Here's the "EwwwwWWWWW" headline of the day: "India Isolates Man with Ebola-Infected Semen."
Now here's what's going on in your neck of the woods: Cloudy today with a chance of freezing rain returning tonight.
And finally, here's an ear-buggy song from Chinese singer Rong “Rollin” Wang—which would be great paired with the "chicken dance" from Arrested Development. (My apologies in advance.)