Regarding the vaccine comment, it never fails to amaze me that proto-fascists Ann and Wm Humpty just accept whatever the pharmacoindustrial complex tell them is the truth.
Or they would know that vaccines don't cause autism, but vaccines in combination with tylenol does.
And re fluoride, they would know that all of the Scandinavian countries, which have a much better level overall health than the US, ALL ban fluoride in their water supplies.
But its a lot easier to just turn off your brain, isn't it Ann?
For writers at an "alternative" paper, your uncritical acceptance of the status quo is really pathetic.
Flouride is not used in a number of countries and places but this Publication has a hard on for it, so just get used to dealing with the constant references to it much like "gun nuts" and anything they have an agenda about. Not that it really matters either way
For clarity, you'd best consider the whole paper as Humpty's mouth piece. It's true the Mercury's Ann Romano never existed (look up the old tv show One Day at a Time and read through its cast; and also look at old issues of the Stranger for verbatim comparisons of both papers' weekly gossip column). I don't know how it works now, but years ago several people wrote One Day under the one psuedonym. Not that it matters because the entire publication is bent to one person's ideology, as are most media outlets. The Left vs. Right polemic is a very profitable artifice. So alas, the easier days of humor over political bias seem to have left the ol' Mercury. The reporting may be smarter, the writers more interesting, but heavy-handed propaganda is always tiring.
OH DEAR GOD I wish Ann or anyone else at this paper would be my mouthpiece... we wouldn't have entire issues devoted to Game of Thrones, or endless reviews of mind-numbingly terrible noise rock bands, or columns about garbage bags that are hailed as examples of high fashion. Unfortunately for your theory, my employees don't give a shit about my opinion—but if it makes you feel more secure that the majority of the media (and science) are rubbing their hands together and cackling BWAA-HA-HAA, then go right ahead. Seems weird to me, though.
Or they would know that vaccines don't cause autism, but vaccines in combination with tylenol does.
And re fluoride, they would know that all of the Scandinavian countries, which have a much better level overall health than the US, ALL ban fluoride in their water supplies.
But its a lot easier to just turn off your brain, isn't it Ann?
For writers at an "alternative" paper, your uncritical acceptance of the status quo is really pathetic.