Podcast Nov 21, 2014 at 10:29 am


I endorse this analysis in its entirety #teamjay
That said, it's a very well done podcast series, and if you've listened this far and aren't coughing up a couple bucks for season two, you're a jerk.
Best Buy, Toy R' Us, Library parking lot, Pool Hall parking lot, Denny's, Joann Fabrics, Honey Baked Ham, Phone booth, Mr. Microphone, secret note, Baltimore, Menomonie Falls, Port St. Lucie, Casper, Pyongyang, USA, Faroe Islands, Eritria, Botswana, Earth, Rylos.....MINOR DETAILS WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE JAY'S JUST AN ECCENTRIC SHIT TALKING DUDE BRO BUT TOTAL TRUTH NAILER!

I hope the eery piano intro haunts your dreams when we all find out it was the white guy ex-boyfriend.
White guy was actually Hae's current boyfriend at the time of the murder and boyfriend and his manager said he was at work that whole day. Also, Jay took the cops to Hae's car. Also Jay knows exactly where the body is buried and how it was buried before that was publicly known.

Those latter facts are everything. Either Jay is telling the truth or mostly the truth, or a 19-year-old weed dealer is a master framer with no discernible motive for such a baroque crime. There really isn't a viable third theory that credibly answers why Jay would know those latter facts.
Don. Older. LensCrafters employee. Drives a Camaro. Best character in the series. Don. #teamdon
The only genuine revelation Serial will end with is that Don is actually Joe Biden.
I think I'm with you, CC, and the others in the "yeah, well, Adnan probably did it after all" camp (either that, or random serial killer guy), but there is a Jay motive. Everyone says he was screwing around on girlfriend Stephanie, and while Adnan was willing to not get in the middle of that or tell Stephanie, the series makes somewhat clear that Hae was not the type to so willingly turn a blind eye (planned to confront Jay about it, or tell Stephanie, etc.). So maybe Hae and Jay run into each other that afternoon, she goes crazy on him about the cheating on Stephanie (because: teenagers), he's high and freaks out, and the next thing he knows he's got a dead body to deal with. Total speculation, of course, and I'm really hoping Koenig doesn't try to sell us on any specific answer in the last episode because that would ruin the storytelling up to that point, but there is at least a Jay motive out there.

Knowing exactly where a dead body lies doesn't exonerate any more than it implicates.

I'm sure there's more to unfold. But like the expert said, the chances of having a charming, sociopathic 17 year-old stoner on your hands is so slim--one who hasn't cracked, has been reticent at times to his detriment but hasn't been called on any outright Jay-esque fib either.

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