I'm surprised you guys aren't having a mini-in-support-rally yourselves. I have a few PDXer friends who would like to organize one and I suggested talking to the Merc. You can ride your bikes there......
We are in the process of organizing a satellite rally at Waterfront Park at noon on October 30th. The facebook event can be found here: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/event.p…
We've been working with the City to obtain the proper permits, etc., but are definitely looking for more help with this. Perhaps after the Mercury's viewing party, folks can head down to the rally at the Waterfront... We were also thinking of possibly setting up some sort of viewing at the rally, but if the Mercury is going to cover that portion of things, we could possibly just keep the rally to speakers, etc.
I've would like to throw out a suggestion that a BIG viewing might be in order. I am not an organizer-type, not an active politico and not a regular Mercury viewer either (sometimes certainly) I am a 50+ suburbanite. But the idea of THIS... The humor AND the chance to rally for progressive causes and common sense. This hits me just right, and I can't help if it would not hit many others in the same manner. Maybe break down the young/old/activist/hippster/Democrat stereotypes? And be very well attended? After all, this Clarion call is for perspective, common sense, dignity in 'messaging' and humor.
I would absolutely be there, with as many friends in tow as I can grab. And @dadler, I agree. I immediately started looking for a Portland event cause it's just how we roll up here!!
I would love to come but I will be in DC - yeah! I need help with sign ideas. I'm thinking:
"FAGS are BRITISH CIGARETTES" and "My State Think's I'm Hiking The Appalachian Trail"
Maybe the Mission? It's the best bar space in Portland that also has a giant screen.
Any of the McMenamins big screens would work, Kennedy School might be easiest because they're open at that time of day anyway serving brunch.
We've been working with the City to obtain the proper permits, etc., but are definitely looking for more help with this. Perhaps after the Mercury's viewing party, folks can head down to the rally at the Waterfront... We were also thinking of possibly setting up some sort of viewing at the rally, but if the Mercury is going to cover that portion of things, we could possibly just keep the rally to speakers, etc.
So excited about this!
"FAGS are BRITISH CIGARETTES" and "My State Think's I'm Hiking The Appalachian Trail"
Rally song?