Politics Feb 23, 2014 at 10:15 am


Alison, or Barbara...?
Don't be a Barbara, Allison.
Oh whoops, forgot to set the byline when I was scheduling this post. SORRY, TWO BLOGTOWN COMMENTERS!
he is implying that the straight people have the right not to be discriminated against too. that is all
Right. He's saying we're all just people, and we don't need to segregate it any further than that. Treat all people equally.
Or at least that what that one sentence means. I can't be arsed to go read the guy's blog, or whatever, to distill down his entire worldview for you.
Assuming that illogical imbalances in fairness in the workplace are made up is exactly the kind of thinking that leads to what Arizona is going through right now, among other things. When all you can see is your own life experiences, it's pretty easy to assume that the things that laws are made for don't actually exist at all.

For the sake of this discussion, can anybody here cite the part in ENDA where it says "screw straight people"?
If everyone could treat everyone as an equal then yes these laws would suck. Unfortunately we, the human race, have not yet reached that point and so sometimes we need these bills and laws.

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