I see a lot of liberals using language like, “We’re on the cusp” and “if we don’t fight now, we could lose”. But it it likely that we’ve gone over the falls. The time to fight, the cusp period, was November 2016. This isn’t a movie where you get saved at the last minute.
— Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte) July 10, 2018
Which isn’t to say that we don’t fight. But that’s why the resistance language is so important. Resistance starts when the fight is lost, when the Nazis have already taken Paris. It’s not the cusp anymore.
— Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte) July 10, 2018
I just worry that failure to understand how fucked we are could make this worse. If we keep thinking this ship turns around, that safety is near, we may fail to fight correctly. The bad guys won. Roe is over. It's time to get out of the typical political fight thinking.
— Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte) July 10, 2018