I have been living in Portland for going on 15 years at this point. I understand it's a special place, and people have the feeling they can let loose and be open here. I get it, that footloose and fancy-free Portland feeling. But I have to draw the line in the sand with this one. I was in Buckman Park today when I saw it: You, yelling for your child to hurry up, her yelling back she was almost finished... finished taking a steaming dook right in the middle of the soccer field. So mother is going to go clean it up right? I mean 10 people just watched your precious little girl drop a steaming pile right where we play Frisbee. Not at all—she just looked on as if it was completely normal. What the fuck, Portland, we have laws that you have to scoop up after your dog, but because no sign is posted about feral children it's fine to leave a hurking shit unattended? So City of Portland, Sam Adams, whoever may read this: Can we get an addition to the ordinance for people to scoop up after their children? Is this what we have regressed to?—Anonymous