This Friday, December 21, the world will come to an end—or so say the prophecies of the ancient Mayans and their big stone calendar... and who are we to say they're wrong? THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN APOCALYPTIC END, PEOPLE! Are you ready? If not, read the following "Mercury Guide to Surviving the Mayan Apocalypse"... which upon further review isn't very helpful at all. Oh, well! Who's gonna be around to complain, amirite? SAYONARA, SUCKERS!


More Mayan Apocalypse Articles

The End of Times Cheers and Jeers

Here Are Some Things I've Been Meaning to Tell You

A Non-Survivor's Guide to the Apocalypse

A Last Minute Bucket List

The Mercury's Word Search of Eternal Strife and Never Ending Frustration to Celebrate the Upcoming Banal Everyday Armageddon that Will be Our Undoing