β€’ The National Review (www.nationalreview.com)--An offshoot of doddering logorrheic William F. Buckley's venerable mag, National Review Online (or NRO, as they call it, to distinguish it from NRODT [National Review On Dead Trees]) is a sweltering smoker's pit of conservative yammering. Editor-at-Large Jonah Goldberg (a Jew!) is well-versed in Kirkian philosophy, Randian thought, and the episode guide to The Simpsons. NRO's blog, "The Corner," offers random thoughts from a wide range of prickly columnists--on topics as diverse as "crunchy" conservatism, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and punk rock.

· The Weekly Standard (www.weeklystandard.com)--Figurehead rag of the so-called "neocon" movement--"neocons" being conservatives with the same values as all other Republicans, only feeling the need to distinguish themselves from "paleocons." While the mag is run by plucky little stuffed shirt Bill Kristol, the regular blitzkriegs by columnist Matt Labash remind us that Mark Twain is dead--and that all the talented humorists these days (other than Cintra Wilson and Alexandra Jacobs) are conservative.

· The Drudge Report (www.drudgereport.com)--The most successful conservative Web portal--a list of "mainstream" Internet links that wisely embraces conservative-leaning news (as well as linking to stories on such curious Drudge obsessions as gay rights and free speech). Clinton propagandist Sidney Blumenthal once tried to sue Drudge for libel--and sank into obscurity while trying to prove the existence of the "vast conspiracy" backing the Web journalist.

· The New Criterion (www.newcriterion.com)--Assessing the slow decline of American culture in the face of immoral art, empty science, and bad musicals.

· The Wall Street Journal (online.wsj.com)--Commit to memory its lashing barbs against recalcitrant rogue nations and their unruly tariffs!