Eva Lake
For her new exhibit Vive Chrome, Portland artist Eva Lake divided canvasses into grid formations and blended colors in a "calculated and compulsive manner." The results look like a shower curtain we once had that made us queasy when we got really drunk and stared at it for too long. Augen Gallery , 817 SW 2nd Ave, 224-8182, April 2-27

Feast the Eye, Fool the Eye
Representation, realism, and trickery are fascinating topics, and Reed College is the place to get thinking about them. They currently have 43 trompe l'oeil paintings on loan from the Fresno Metropolitan Museum, including one 17th-century canvas that prompted a local artist to declare, "It's exactly like Duchamp, but from 400 years ago!" Cooley Gallery at Reed College , 3203 SE Woodstock, 777-7790, Through April 24

People of The River: Native Arts of the Oregon Territory
PAM knocks it out of the park with this exhibition of amazing (and amazingly well-preserved) indigenous art. Every object in the show is more impressive than the next--we live in the shadow of some incredibly aesthetically-tuned people. Portland Art Museum , 1219 SW Park Ave, 226-2811, Through May 29