Guys! The earlier poll was not working right and did not meet the stringent scientific demands of a Blogtown poll, so I restarted it. Feel free to vote again, because in the end, DEMOCRACY ALWAYS WINS. FUCK YOU, RUSSIA!!
Those comments died with the fucked up poll. SORRY! I know your words are golden coated dollops of dog poop which should not be thrown carelessly into the trash can, but science demands accuracy.
EVEN BETTER DEAL! Drag your fucking trash cans from the street into your yard and I won't drop my dog's shitbag in your trashcan. Heck, leave your trashcans in the street much more and dropping plastic bags of shit into them is going to be the least of your problems. Today In Learning: when cut in half, plastic trashcans make excellent planters for your garden.
Since our garbage can lives in the basement, I feel the I Anonymous pain. It's pretty stinky, but that's why I make the people on the other side of the duplex keep it in their basement. Hahahahaha. Good thing they don't read this blog.
The danger of poop does motivate to put the can away pretty quickly, though.
Seriously, people who treat their dogs like they can shit anywhere suck. Be responsible! It's not the dog's shit, it's the owner's garbage, and if you drop your garbage in my can, you suck.
A dog does not shit anywhere but where it's owner allows.
I just had a brainstorm! (And, man, they're painful.) Dog owners who want to show solidarity should put bright "POO O.K." stickers on their garbage cans! Lazy shit-bag carriers could drop the poo in the first stickered can they come to. (And you'd better sticker your own can at home, dog-dirt-dropper. There's no bad karma like poo bad karma.)
To me the issue is Where is the Trash Can? Curbside, OK, but if they had to come upon my property to get to the can, then no.
Speaking of doggy poop, it seemed for a time that folks taking their dog up to Forest Park would take the dog poop and put it into a (usually plastic) bag -- but then leave it by the trailside forsome mystery person to pick up later. I saw this again and again, and it seemed to me beyond rude to the point of stupidity.
I'm a dog shit baggie hater. Invariably, the baggie ends up thrown in there in the 30 minutes between when the collector picks up the trash and when I can get the can pulled in from the curb and with a new trash liner. That means I have to pick up the warm baggie and put it who knows where as the trash only goes out once a month. I don't own a dog because I don't like crap. I have children for that.
But thank you dog owners who actually pick up the shit in the first place.
yeah, thanks for not sprinkling the bottom of my feet with your dogs anus rage. he or she can get it in that can whenever necessary. and you can too. just hop right in and go for it. i vote yay, although the precious window to the poll has closed.
The danger of poop does motivate to put the can away pretty quickly, though.
A dog does not shit anywhere but where it's owner allows.
"Poles," get it?
Ah, maybe I should've stayed dead.
If the can has already been emptied - NO!
And don't put your dog poop in a green yard debris bin out at the curb.
Someone less lazy than me can design the sticker.
I hope all your film burns up.
(on topic) A garbage can is for garbage. I, Anon should pull his finger out of his butt.
Forget the dog owners.*
How do the GARBAGE COLLECTORS feel about dog waste in the garbage, hmm? Lets hear from them.
*white people problems
Speaking of doggy poop, it seemed for a time that folks taking their dog up to Forest Park would take the dog poop and put it into a (usually plastic) bag -- but then leave it by the trailside forsome mystery person to pick up later. I saw this again and again, and it seemed to me beyond rude to the point of stupidity.
But thank you dog owners who actually pick up the shit in the first place.