I support this fully. Tired of all the B.S. "service animals" around town. Well, jail is a bit harsh. But actual enforcement with fines would be nice.
Service animals in Oregon are dogs which are trained to actually do things. Not make you feel better. An actual physical service. No the filthy green vest does not make that a service animal.
fuck Fuck FUCK people with fake service dogs. I see these people all the time, and when I complain, all they have to say is that their dog is a service animal and they get a pass. Even if the dog isn't wearing anything identifying it as a service animal. Something about fear of violating the ADA? Fuck all these thoughtless dicks. Your fucking Pomeranian does not belong in the Kaiser pharmacy. Or the grocery store. Or Home Depot. Fine these jerk-offs.
Actually pork chop, many places such as Home Depot and Lowe's allow animals in their establishments regardless of them being a service animal. Store policy, not ADA. Maybe you should have a pet. You seem very tense.
Unfortunately the service animal laws are federal and the ability to question whether an animal is truly a "service" one are extremely limited. This law, while increasingly necessary, would not be upheld if passed. The ADA provides for criminal prosecution while at the same time severely limiting any inquiries that would lead a charging authority to come to the conclusion that a faker is a faker. And all states allow service dogs and miniature horses, not just Florida, because again, this is a federal law.
I love that some business owners allow pets. Some of my favorite bars do and I think its awesome. Its one of the things that makes Portland Portland. If you don't like it don't patronize them and it all works out. But claiming its a servie animal when it isn't is fucking bullshit. If a place doesn't allow pets then pull on your pull-ups and leave your fucking animal home. Your pet doesn't belong in the grocery store or on the bus. Posing them as service animals is beyond stupid, its plain old fucked up. Would you spit in the face of a blind person? Well guess what ferret fucker, you just did. You deserve a hefty fine.
But jail? Only Florida could be so backwards in this time when mass incarceration is so blatantly out of control in this country. When people break the rules they should pay, not tax the system.
Please wait...
and remember to be decent to everyone all of the time.
I support this fully. Tired of all the B.S. "service animals" around town. Well, jail is a bit harsh. But actual enforcement with fines would be nice.
Service animals in Oregon are dogs which are trained to actually do things. Not make you feel better. An actual physical service. No the filthy green vest does not make that a service animal.
But jail? Only Florida could be so backwards in this time when mass incarceration is so blatantly out of control in this country. When people break the rules they should pay, not tax the system.