
It's unfair of Jesus to end the world just so the Republicans don't have to field a candidate against President Obama.
I want to find one of these wackos and bet them one billion dollars that the world will not end on Saturday. Or maybe just $50. They'd seem more inclined to make a $50 bet.
Too bad the Rapture is a complete load of bullshit that isn't even in the Bible. It wasn't even something certain Christians taught until John Nelson Darby started preaching about it in the 1830's.
of course they won't bet on the end of the world...because if they win, they can't collect
I am going to the mountain Saturday and sacrificing the idol so the world will not end for another 5 billion years. You can pay me in you extra drink tickets next time you see me.
Rosy, am with you. I already had stolen 15 animals from my street to bring em to the top of the mountain so God will have some mercy on us and leave us on Earth.
I'm waiting to hear the explanation when the world doesn't end. This ought to be good and convoluted.
History repeats itself:…

"At first, the group struggled for an explanation. But then rationalization set in. A new message arrived, announcing that they'd all been spared at the last minute."
I don't care. I'm ready to die, or to not die.
I hope it looks like this:
I'm ready to burn eternally in hellfire, or to not burn eternally in hellfire. Also, I'm ready for some new episodes of "Il Commissario Montalbano."

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