
Jesus Christ, you're a nerd. I see you didn't mentrion that crap plot line about asthma and near-sightedness. I call bullshit on that.

It's Mother-Fucking Friday. Play some Ice Cube.
*mention not mentrion

Mentrion sounds like a gay French sex toy.
Exactly. EXACTLY RIGHT, Erik.

I will tell my legions not to come after you.

Except Felicia Day. I will tell her the opposite.
Well, I'm not a "Whedonite" or anything, but I watched it and enjoyed it. It seemed to hint at the government's MK Ultra program, so it was kinda' creepy and really sexy at the same time. I'm a little shocked with the way that some people expect so much from a pilot, but then again, I always have low expectations from network television. I'll watch it tonight though...
Actually, the only thing I want to point out is that the THR link you use for ratings is the extremist "uhoh" version. No other trade went that far. There are some interesting looks at the all-important demographic ratings here…

and even the usually-picky Variety couldn't bring themselves to say anything worse than "credible start" in the ratings.

The ratings issue in this case really is contextual (demo ratings, comparisons to other things Fox has run in that slot, etc.), and THR basically ignored all of that.

Combine the demo ratings with Kevin Reilly's near-insistence that the entire point of being on Fridays is they can leave it alone for awhile, and there's little reason for people to think that if they stick around it will vanish after four episodes or something.
This looks like a very thoughtful post. I made it through a couple paragraphs. It was hard to concentrate, because once I saw that Total Recall still, all I could think was, "AGGHHAGHAGHAHGHHHHH!!!"
Neither am I a Whedonite, but I enjoyed last week's episode. I think Buffy was a massively overrated show, and I liked Firefly & Serenity a lot. If they put Dollhouse on a different night I would probably watch it every week, but I'm just too popular and cool to watch TV on Fridays, and I'm too lazy/poor to get DVR. I'm sure FOX will cancel it this spring and we can get the entire series including never-aired episodes on DVD by Christmas.
Joss himself has not been the greatest advocate for the show, IMO. He just doesn't sound that jazzed about the process, the network's "creative input," the future of TV even if the show survives (but as far as that goes, surely if Terminator has made it to a second season....). I wonder how much this show costs compared to "Battlestar (i.e. everyone would be happier if it was a cable show).

Quality-wise, almost any show deserves two or three weeks if its creator has done good stuff in the past. Especiallly when it's a jerryrigged pilot like this (or messed up sequence like Firefly was).
Yeah, with this a Sarah Connor on Friday nights (wtf?), I kinda want to get a DVR, but I feel like it will be worthless by summertime.

Remember "Smith", with Ray Liotta? I wish they had showed more than three episodes of that, I only ever caught the pilot.
The Friday time slot works out for me because I almost never go out to bars on Fridays (amateur night IMO), and it comes on right after Terminator, so that's perfect. Fox is pretty good at putting those shows online with less commercials too, so if I had to miss it, I'd catch up online.

I'll bet this show ends up being pretty successful; it had a lot of different potential plot lines all over the place.
Daaaaamn! I forgot all about Smith with Ray Liotta. I really wanted to watch that and I missed the pilot and never got the chance to see it later. It looked really good too.
Actually, Joss has given plenty of jazz for the second half of the season. You just have to get past the interviews that focus entirely on the network process of getting through the first half. In those interviews where they get past that, he's very gung-ho about where the writers found themselves on pretty much everything from Man on the Street (the March 20 episode) onward.







Regardless, b!X, I'm there. I love that he got the band back together with the writing staff too. On the other hand, any show employing Tim Minear (any Fox show, for that matter) is potentially cursed...
The first season of Buffy was pretty weak, really. The problem with Dollhouse is that there are a lot of open questions and confusion. As things settle, I imagine it will become better. Whedon's talent is in doing the unexpected and allowing characters to develop in a very authentic way. I don't think he's shown much talent for movies. I don't think he can really be that concise. He doesn't have JJ Abrams skill at really grabbing an audience, but I imagine Dollhouse will be like his other stuff and only grow on viewers over time. Now, whether antsy execs can deal with that, who knows. Some of my favorite shows from this last season, such as Pushing Daisies, are dead already.
Holy shit you can write about Joss Whedon. Concisely:

That show was balls.
Is balls good or bad?

I don't understand you kids nowadays.
the show is too rushed. maybe our protagonist can handle a new adventure plotline every day, but the show tries to cram a week or more of that life into 45 minutes. i still have no idea whose kid got kidnapped or why i should care in episode one. in episode two, someone seems to have killed about 97% of the dollhouse staff, but all the show gives us of that is brief flashes of slashed bodies. who... why... huh? as yet, i don't care, which is convenient, as none of the survivors care, either.

the whedon repartee is not there yet. the guy who is supposed to be the witty nerd comes across more as a smug mac hipster. climbing the railing instead of taking the stairs? oh you iconoclast you.

i'm worried that whedon plans to do some sort of memento thing where nothing is in order. i suppose that as with memento, where memory loss is central, that's a valid choice. but unless it's done well, making the audience piece the plot together into its linear form usually just comes across to me as lazy and disrespectful. mr. whedon, please don't make me feel stupid for googling how it all fits together from some loser who spent a month watching the shows over and over to figure it all out. "lost" exists already, and its pretentious fans' constant musing about what the fuck is going on on a show they've been watching for several years is just pathetic.
After seeing the first two episodes, I'm still waiting for a sympathetic character I can bond with. It's clearly not Echo... we play "etch-a-sketch shake shake" after each turn with her. The female boss has no bonding for me. I can get into the handler dude a bit, being an outsider initially. And of course, the geek in me aligns with the geek dude a bit. But neither of those yet have me caring in any way shape or form that the Dollhouse continues into the next 12 hours of its existance. I'm just not there yet. Nothing has persistence purpose.

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