Not sure how many of you Blogtownies watch The Killing on AMC—but since I love mysteries (and it was based on the very popular Danish series), I've been giving this season a shot. That being said, last night's season finale was kind of a buzz-stomping disaster. And apparently a few other critics agree with me:
This hour was, in my opinion, the worst season finale of all time, because it was a terrible execution of a set of colossally stupid, misguided and condescending ideas.
"There hasn't been a cop-out like this since Tony Soprano!"
I have been a solid defender of "The Killing," despite it's flaws. But the finale was almost indefensible.
The more I write about this episode, the more I can't help but feel it's just the latest utterly wasted opportunity in a show full of them.
So this will be the last review I write of "The Killing," because this will be the last time I watch "The Killing." Because I have no interest in going forward with a show that treats its audience this way.
JESUS! On the other hand... well, yeah. I'm not going to waste my time with this show anymore either. Anybody want to jump to The Killing's defense? Anybody gonna give it another chance next season?