GALLERY--In Scape, Abigail Pierce presents an installation of large, luminous, and gentle forms, which don't really refer to anything practical, but still look pretty cool. This is the last day to see this show before it closes. KD

Metropolitan Art Studio, 2808 NE MLK #13, 422-9052, Free

ART--If you haven't seen Patrick Rock's show, It is All About You (or, wait a minute, even if you have), you should come to the closing party. In a four-room installation, Rock presents an honest, funny insight into his world. KD
Gallery Daycare, 328 NW Broadway, 294-1903, 6 pm, Free

FRIDAY, July 14

--Let them eat Cake! In Raymond Barry's third play at Stark Raving Theater, sex is synonymous with death, as a virus has wiped out all but two gay men and made surviving hetros fearful of all human contact. Seemingly the only pleasure remaining is cake. DKH

Stark Raving Theater, 3430 SE Belmont Street, 232-7072, 10 pm, $9.50

RAWK & ROLL--Looking for some tight-pant rock in' roll? Well, Beaverton is the place to be! The "Beav" welcomes the incomparable Joan Jett & the Blackhearts as well as the California-based tight-trousered Brit pop stylings of Tsar. WSH

Taste of Beaverton, Mainstage, Griffith Park on SW Griffith Drive, 778-8222, 8 pm, $4 advance, $6 at the gate

-- Let Bonfire Madigan be your Witch of Eastwick, as Madigan Shive channels fire into her cello and mesmerizes you into a sinful dance with her Salome-song. All smirky Jezebels should be this talented. JS

w/Rick Bain & the Genius Position, EJ's, 2140 NE Sandy, 234-3535.


SCOTTISH MEN--Remember, a Taber that fails to flip isn't recorded. Men in kilts gather for the 48th Portland Scottish Highland Games and toss 20-foot-long, 120 pound logs of timber. Spectators are encouraged to stay behind the protective screen. PB

Mount Hood Community College, 26000 SE Stark, 8:30 am-9:30 pm, $10

MORE SCOTTISH MEN--Bands with the first name of a person as their musical alias are always tricky things. You tell the unknowing, "Yeah, I'm going to see Travis tonight," and they're all, "Who's he?" That's when you laugh at them and say they are a total loser for not being hip enough to realize Travis is the coolest Scottish band since Always. JSR

w/Leona Naess, Roseland Theater, 8 NW Sixth, 224-2038, 9 pm

SUNDAY, July 16

FRISBEES--Regular golf is for punk-ass suckahs. Warm up your throwing arm, and get some exercise this weekend playing frisbee golf at the 9-hole course at Woodstock Park. For rules, tips and other courses, consult! WSH

Woodstock Park, SE 47th and Steele, Free

MONDAY, July 17


READING--French cartoonist Lewis Trondheim has populated Edwardian mysteries and humorous Western genre stories with his lanky, casually dressed animal characters. He will be in-store signing his Fantagraphics publications, Nimrod and The Nifty Adventures of McConey. PB

Reading Frenzy, 921 SW Oak, 6-8 pm, Free

TUESDAY, July 18

DEMENTED DISNEY--Hate Disney? WE DO, TOO! Join us as the Clinton Street Theater presents, Fuck Mickey Mouse, an evening of Disney rip-offs, parodies and other seldom seen cartoons (including Coal Black and the Sebben Dwarves, and Tex Avery's Red Hot Riding Hood). WSH

Clinton Street Theater, 2522 SE Clinton, 238-8899, July 14-27, 7:00 & 9:15 pm, plus 2:00 Sundays, $6


PINBALL--Put off that stinkin' laundry another night and jack your roll of quarters into the terrific Flash Gordon pinball machine at Ground Kontrol, Portland's coolest stationary time machine. (I will vouch that Flash Gordon is at least six times as cool as the critically acclaimed Addams Family!) JS

Ground Kontrol Retrocade™, 610 SW 12th Ave, 796-9364, 25¢