Pine Street Theatre, 215 SE Ninth St, 232-7861, 8 pm, $25
Judd Winick, Twenty-Third Avenue Books, 1015 NW 23rd, 224-5097, 7:30 pm, free
Pickathon, for directions visit, 9 am-midnight, $20
STREET FAIR--It's official! The Northeast Alberta/Sabin area is quickly becoming Portland's most ethnically interesting neighborhood. So let's celebrate with the Alberta Street Fair featuring art, food, DJs, and the Portland Mercury's own wicked craft booth. Afterwards, dance the night away with the swinging salsa sounds of Pa'lante! WSH Alberta Street Fair, From MLK to 33rd, 11-6 pm, free
Pa'lante, Alberta Station Ballroom, 1829 NE Alberta, 8-11 pm, all ages, $15
No Exit, Imago Theatre, 17 SE Eighth, 2 pm, $16
ART--If Martin Ontiveros was a musician, My Trash, Your Treasure, would be a collection of his B-sides, outtakes, and alternate mixes. His vividly painted robots, monsters, and monkeys have graced comics, kids' books, and two previous, wildly successful shows at Reading Frenzy. ST
Reading Frenzy, 921 SW Oak, 274-1449, 11-7 pm Mon-Sat, Sun 12-6pm, free
FILM--Sex: The Annabel Chong Story documents the life of the woman who had sex with 251 men, all on film, to set a world record. More than just a porn queen exposé, this excellent documentary exposes every one of Annabel's, ahem, parts. JS Cinema 21, 616 NW 21st, 223-4515, see pg 37 for times
MUSIC--Try to say the band name Trans Am without inserting the "motherfucking" between the "Trans" and the "Am." You can't, can you? They deserve that serious emphasis, because they fucking rock. JS
Pine Street Theater, 215 SE Ninth, 232-7861, $10 adv., $12 door, doors open at 8:30
HIP HOP--Jurassic 5 is one of the coolest names for a band. And, their name is reflective of their quality as well--doing new stuff but hanging on to what's good about the old. Be on time, because Beat Junkies are also worth every second. KD
Roseland Theater, 8 NW Sixth Ave, 219-9929, $20 price, 9 pm