GRASS HUT GALLERY began on the web, and to the web it will return: The popular gallery and curio shop is closing its doors at the end of the year. Grass Hut owner Bwana Spoons says that online shows will continue, however, and toys, zines, art, and more will still be available for purchase through Grass Hut's website.
Grass Hut began as a website in the early 2000s before moving to physical digs on East Burnside, and finally landing in Old Town three years ago, in a space inside of Floating World Comics. If you've been to Floating World Comics, you've certainly noticed the corner of the shop occupied by Grass Hut's assortment of high-end toy monsters, painted skate decks, and more, often characterized by a sort of cutesy-gross aesthetic.
As Spoons wrote in an email announcement about the shop's closure, "I am fucking stoked not to do it for a little while. I love it, but I give it so little attention. It's always been a fun project, not how I make my living. The driving force behind it has always been the amazing artists that I get to work with there. And honestly I haven't done them justice in a while.... So after seven years, it's time for a little breather. I'll come back again later or not, or it will be the same or different."
Floating World proprietor Jason Leivian says he plans to expand his comic book shop into the space currently occupied by Grass Hut, as well as move the record store Landfill Rescue Unit, which currently inhabits a room in the back of the store, into a more prominent place along the front window.
In the meantime, joint show The End, from California artist Tim Biskup and ceramicists Munktiki, runs at Grass Hut (400 NW Couch) through the end of the month.