Robin DiAngelo
After coining the term “white fragility” in 2011, antiracist educator Robin DiAngelo has written White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism. Hear directly from the author and snag a signed copy of her timely book, which breaks down the causes of white fragility and its detrimental effects. Powell’s City of Books, 1005 W Burnside, 7:30 pm, FREE
LBGTQ Board Game Knight
Head over to North Portland’s board-game pub Game Knight Lounge with fellow “gaymers” and take your pick from a hefty library of more than 650 games. Every second Wednesday is a charity night, and this week, a portion of your $5 cover will benefit the Q Center! Game Knight Lounge, 3037 N Williams, 4-11 pm, $5
Why? A New Understanding of Suicidal and Self-Destructive Behavior
Suicide isn’t new, but its increasing frequency is. It can be hard to know how to navigate suicidal thoughts—whether your own or others’—but Dr. Susan Bettis of William Temple House is helping by offering a free 90-minute presentation covering a range of causes, implications, and forms of support. William Temple House, 2023 NW Hoyt, 6:30 pm, FREE
Green Jobs & Climate: Behemoth Screening and Discussion
Director Zhao Liang traversed dangerous surroundings to document the realities of coal miners’ work and living conditions in China. If the environmental impacts of coal mining aren’t hard enough to swallow, Ling’s film Behemoth provides a glimpse into the human impact. A conversation with the audience and experts will follow. Clinton Street Theater, 2522 SE Clinton, 7 pm, $7-10 suggested donation
The Changing US Supreme Court
As the country reacts to the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, local professionals will weigh in on how these major changes will affect Oregon. Marissa Madrigal, chief operating officer for Multnomah County, will moderate a panel discussion with Matthew Kalmanson (appellate department partner of Hart Wagner LLP) and Jim Huffman (retired law professor and Dean Emeritus of Lewis & Clark Law School) on the subject. You can add lunch to your ticket for an additional $30. Sentinel Hotel, 614 SW 11th, noon, $15
Dominion Screening and Panel Discussion
After Lucent made waves for highlighting Australia’s pig-farming industry, the filmmakers are back with a new documentary, Dominion, which covers animal abuse across the entire country. Donations are accepted and will be shared among the animal rights groups Anonymous for the Voiceless, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Odd Man Inn Animal Refuge, and P.E.A.C.E. Each organization will also participate in the panel. 5th Avenue Cinema, 510 SW Hall, 7 pm, FREE
First Annual Portland International Muslim Cultural Festival
Did you know Portland’s Muslim community is representative of more than 42 ethnic groups? The Muslim Education Trust invites the city to celebrate alongside Portland’s robust Muslim community and “bridge greater understanding and dialogue” while eating delicious international foods, scoping out henna and Islamic calligraphy, and enjoying cultural performances. Director Park, 877 SW Taylor, 11 am-4 pm, FREE
We Out Here: A Street Art Showcase
Now is your chance to honor the rich traditions of street art and graffiti while also supporting a wonderful organization! Spectate during the sure-to-be-stellar live breakdancing performance from New Birth Crew, bring cash for the raffle that benefits the culturally responsive Morpheus Youth Project, dance to tunes spun by DJ Weather, and enjoy work created by “spray work, paint, slap, stencil, and everything in between.” Art Market PDX, 1125 SE Grand, 5-11 pm, FREE
Vegan Ice Cream Sundae Pop-Up & Fundraiser
Treat yourself and Rover with a scoop or three at this sundae pop-up hosted by Virtuous Pie and Jet Black in support of One Tail at a Time PDX. All scoops are dairy-free, with human-friendly and pooch-friendly options galore. Jet Black Coffee Company, 11150 NE Weidler, noon-3 pm, FREE
Black History & Culture Trivia Night
Did you know that dancer and activist Josephine Baker was once mutually smitten with Mexican painter Frida Kahlo? It’s one of my personal favorite facts, and you’ll have your own chance to drop knowledge bombs on your trivia pals at this Black History & Culture Trivia Night edition, hosted by the Urban League of Portland Young Professionals! Enter as an individual for $10 or a whole team of four or five for $40. Mississippi Pizza Pub, 3552 N Mississippi, 5-7 pm, $10-40
Desayuno: A Mexico City-Inspired Pop-Up Brunch
Eat a delicious spread of inspired fare from CMDX (formerly D.F.) at this tasty pop-up, with entrees ranging ($8-$15) prepared by Ben Morris and cocktails created by Justin Garcidiaz. Ultra-talented Mexico City native and Gran Ritmos collaborator Coast2C will DJ the affair, which benefits immigrant rights’ nonprofit Pueblo Unido PDX. Reserve your seat in advance by calling (503) 360-1281. St. Jack, 1610 NW 23rd, 10 am-2 pm
Day of Action Against ICE #StopSeparatingFamilies
The organizers behind #OccupyICEPDX are celebrating one month of collective resistance in a movement that has spread across the country. Interested activists are invited to join them now, but especially at the Portland ICE office for their day of action. Portland ICE Detention Center, 4310 SW Macadam, 5 pm-midnight, FREE