BAD NEWS: Tonight was supposed to be the night you got to witness Letterkenny: Live at Revolution Hallā€”that is, if you were lucky enough to have scored tickets in the three and-a-half minutes they were available back in 2019. Of course, COVID had something to say about all that, and now there's no Letterkenny: Live. GREAT NEWS: The show is streamable on Hulu. It was always streamable, it hasn't gone anywhere, but just in general, the news that Letterkenny is streamable? Great news. Letterkenny is ostensibly a sitcom about the escapades of small-town Canadian cliques bumping into each other, but it's really just live-action Looney Tunes for linguistics nerds, a love-letter to the silly ways silly people communicate their serious passions. Sure, there's a few duds in its runā€”you don't hit eight seasons without stubbing your toe once or twiceā€”but when it's good? It's fuckin' great.
(Now Streaming, Hulu, $5.99 per month, free trial here)

Build Your Own Gaming Console!
The next generation of gaming consoles is on its way, but they're probably going to be pretty expensive. You're hunkered down and sheltered in place, feeling fidgety and frugal. Why not skip out on buying a whole-ass new console and build one instead? You're not the only person to have this thought: Retro Gaming Consoles have been a thing for awhile now (remember that one Christmas when the NES Mini was regularly going for 3x what an actual NES sold for in '86?) and building them with mini-PC parts isn't that technically challenging, especially not when you've got the folks at 9to5Toys spending their coronavirus down-time walking you through the steps to build your own Nintendo/Super Nintendo/Sega Genesis/Sony PlayStation miracle machine. You'll have to order some parts to be shipped, and there's a bit in this video about 3D printing you can probably ignore (just buy a pre-fab case instead), but when you're done, you'll be drowning in classic gaming goodness and you can tell everyone on your next Zoom meeting "Hey, look at the thing I made!"
(Now available, Don't Forget: Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B, A, Start)

NBA 2K Players Tournament
March was disallowed from the sort of tournament-based entertainment many are used to, especially of the basketball variety; but April's got us covered on that front: ESPN will be airing head-to-head clashes between some of the NBA's biggest stars as they establish who among them is the best at NBA 2K20. The early rounds were finished up last Friday, and there were quite a few upsets already (including Portland's Hassan Whiteside getting trounced by trash-talker extraordinaire Patrick Beverly) but tonight begins the quarterfinals. Proceeds will benefit ongoing coronavirus relief efforts.
(Tues Apr 7, 7 pm, ESPN, Twitter, Facebook, Twitch, free, all ages, through April 11.)

Spliff: Online Film Festival
The creators of the world-famous, world-changing, (and financially responsible-for-keeping-some-alt-weeklies-afloat-cough-ahem) juggernaut HUMP! have turned their sex-drenched gaze to pursuits of a more laid-back and leisurely type: STONER MOVIES. The Spliff Film Festival got off to a strong start in 2019, and as a remedy for the Stay At Home blues millions are feeling right now, the Spliff Film Festival is now online! Even better, its lineup of weed-infused short films are available on a pay-what-you-will basis. Cough up as much (or as little) as you wish in order to check out works that will make you laugh, make you think, and make you ask "what the fuck was that?"
(Now Streaming, Spliff Film Fest.com, Pay-what-you-can)

The Social Network
In 2010, David Fincher was coming off the disappointing sap of Benjamin Button, and was set to release a movie about the creation of Facebook, a subject that didn't very much seem all that interesting. But Aaron Sorkin's script punched along at light speed, telling an endlessly complex story with machined precision, and that's exactly what Fincher needed to get back in control, and directing with a deftness and command he'd never shown before. From its opening scene, it's hard not to be floored: In 2003, in a bar outside Harvard, a geeky undergrad named Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) has an increasingly intense conversation with his increasingly fed-up girlfriend, Erica (Rooney Mara). Sorkin's razor-sharp dialogue zips back and forth; Eisenberg and Mara's faces begin to subtly strain; tensions rise and rise and snap. And then Zuckerberg, calmly furious, runsā€”literally, runsā€”back to his dorm, spiraling into a festering frenzy of drunken blogging and effortless hacking. So begins this movie (one of the best of the 21st century), and so began the media empire that eventually led us all... here. It's on Netflix now. You should watch it.
(Now Streaming, Netflix, $8.99 per month, free trial here) ERIK HENRIKSEN

Much Ado About Nothing
Just because you can't actually go to the park doesn't mean you can't still enjoy some Shakespeare in the Park, and thanks to PBS' Great Performances series, one of the very best versions of Much Ado About Nothing is available, for free, through May 27th. This version of the Bard's much-loved comedy was recorded live at Delacorte Theater in NYC's Central Park, directed by Tony Award-winner Kenny Leon, and stars Danielle Brooks (Taystee from Orange is the New Black!) as Beatrice.