What is this week's cover all about? Well, I'm glad you asked. First off it has nothing to do with the story about Clackamas hating Portland (but maybe it does?). It's just rad art and it was made by Dan Gluibizzi. Originally Mark Searcy (who was filling in for me while I was busy being awesome) asked Gluibizzi if he wanted to have his artwork on the cover, but his work was too sexy for us to print. So Gluibizzi made us some art where the people weren't too sexy. If you love the NSFW paintings after the jump you should go see them in person at Froelick Gallery. Show opens First Thursday, June 7th!

"Thank you Kyla Hagedorn: flickr.com/piank + kylamcfaterson.tumblr.com" -Dan Gluibizzi