I've got a pair of tickets to give away to the Mercury-sponsored talk show Late Night Action with Alex Falcone, tomorrow night at the Secret Society.
The lineup's great—in addition to host Alex Falcone and his charming sidekick Bri Pruett, there's:
Curtis Cook, currently one of my favorite local comics
Crackerjack sketch team the Aces
Musical guest Mont Chris Hubbard and the Bonus Show Trio
Ken Forkish, of Ken's Artisan Everything fame
Naomi Pomeroy, noted meat-lover and chef/owner of Beast
I have to just screen-grab this blurb about Pomeroy from the Late Night Action website, because I'm sure not going to write anything better:

Tee hee. All you gotta do to win tickets is email me by 3 pm today with "sleepy pig" in the subject line. (Those instructions are SIMPLE, if you fail to comply with them you WILL NOT WIN.) I'll email the winner by 3:30; if you don't hear back from me by then, you should probably just buy your own damn ticket. The show's at 9 pm tomorrow at the Secret Society, $10.