Thank you for attending this focus group. Now... what should we name this baby orangutan?
"Thank you for attending this focus group. Now... what should we name this baby orangutan?" Paul Bradbury / Getty Images

HELLOOOOOO, BRAINY BRITCHES! It's time once again to put that brainy-brain to the test with this week's edition of POP QUIZ PDX—our weekly, local, sassy-ass trivia quiz. Get ready for some super fun trivia Qs about sketchy hospital administrators, Oregon's most handsome rock formations, and the zoo's latest baby orangutan! (TOO CUTE.) Also—and this is new—you can sign up to WIN FREE PIZZA from our friends at the always delicious Atlas Pizza! (Scientific fact: Pizza makes you smarter.)

But first... HOW DID YOU DO ON THE PREVIOUS QUIZ? Pretty dang good! You also have very good instincts about which songs NEVER to sing in karaoke. ("Sorry, kid... you just ain't got the pipes. Now go on back home to Sioux Falls!")


OKAY, TIME FOR A NEW QUIZ! Take this week's quiz below, take our previous pop quizzes here, and come back next week for a brand spankin' new quiz! (Having a tough time answering this quiz? It's probably because you aren't getting Mercury newsletters! HINT! HINT!) Now crank up that cerebellum, because it's time to get BRAINY!