Basic Bookbinding
Learn the basics of folding, gluing, and sewing yourself a book. Registration and a $5 deposit required. Space is limited. INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING RESOURCE CENTER, 917 SW Oak Street, #218, 6:30-9 pm, $10-20
Vegan Cooking: How It All Vegan
OK--this re-scheduled event is really going to happen: a reading, a lot of enthusiasm, and a cooking demonstration. The book covers vegan recipes that go beyond food to vegan cosmetics, cleansers, and pet snacks. An accessible way to take animal products out of your lifestyle. POWELL'S BOOKS FOR COOKS & GARDENERS, 3747 SE Hawthorne Blvd, 235-3802, 2 pm, Free
Poetry Fling, featuring Bart Baxter
Poet Bart Baxter is a former national poetry slam champion by night and an airline pilot by day. Winner of lots of awards--including the William Stafford award--Baxter will read from one of his four books of poetry. BARNES & NOBLE, 1720 N Jantzen Beach, 283-2800
* Kamikaze Readig Series
The amazing Ken Corimer, from Boston, will be reading and selling his new spoken word CD God Damn Doghouse. Gareille Bouliane and John Dooley are also part of this event, hosted by Kevin Sampsell. HAND 2 MOUTH, AT THE RAINDOG THEATER, 8638 N Lombard St, 287-8561, 8 pm
The Last Word Literary Open Mic for Women
Open to all local, women writers! IN OTHER WORDS, 3734 SE Hawthorne Blvd, 232-6003, 9-11 pm, Free
Alternative Book Structures
Make things that fold out, pop up, or never fold flat. Registration and $5 deposit required. INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING RESOURCE CENTER, 917 SW Oak Street, #218, 6:30-9 pm, $10-20
Poetry in Motion Launch Party
Kick off the fourth year of Poetry In Motion, the program that puts poetry on public transportation. Join them for poetry and coffee at Diedrich Coffee People, 533 NW 23rd Ave LITERARY ARTS, 7:30 pm, Free
Tucker Malarkey
In her debut novel, An Obvious Enchantment, local author Tucker Malarkey uses the setting--primarily an island in the Indian Ocean--to raise the question of how people and cultures define themselves in relation to history, tradition, and progress. ANNIE BLOOM'S BOOKS, 7834 SW Capitol Highway, 246-0053, 5 pm, Free
Susan Vreeland
Vreeland will read from her latest collection of short vignettes, Girl in Hyacinth Blue--highly recommended by the staff of Annie Bloom's. ANNIE BLOOM'S BOOKS, 7834 SW Capitol Highway, 246-0053, 7:30 pm, Free
Mary Karr
Cherry, the sequel to Karr's The Liar's Club, continues the story of poverty, sexuality, and the struggle against authority. You know who she is. POWELL'S CITY OF BOOKS, 1005 W Burnside St, 228-4651, 7:30 pm, Free
Spalding Writers
This is a reading with a theme: the things we do for love. BROADWAY BOOKS, 1714 NE Broadway, 284-1726, 7 pm, Free
* Adrei Codrescu
He's smart, funny, prolific, and now he's reading as a benefit in support of the relocation of the Lovejoy Columns. The columns, painted around 1950, were nearly destroyed in the frenzy to create more Pearl District real estate, but are now in a safe harbor awaiting a new home. LITERARY ARTS, 7:30 pm, $15-$50
Women's Focus Book Group
This group meats the first Wednesday of every month to discuss the great women of literature. This month's group will discuss Women of the Inner Sea by Thomas Keneally. New members are always welcome. BARNES & NOBLE-BEAVERTON, 18300 NW Evergreen Parkway, 645-3046, Free
Pandora's Picnic Basket: Genetically Modified Foods
Read this book and get the information on technology behind modified food. Be informed about safeguards, regulators, and all the tricky ways we haven't been hearing the real story. POWELL'S BOOKS ON HAWTHORNE, 3723 SE Hawthorne Blvd, 238-1668, 7:30 pm, Free
Barbara Robinette Moss
Change Me Into Zeus's Daughter is another memoir of heartbreak and poverty; abuse, resilience, love, too many children, and the "psychotic toll of scars." POWELL'S CITY OF BOOKS, 1005 W Burnside St, 228-4651, 7:30 pm, Free