Pamela Berkman
Her Infinite Variety. Ten stories, each based on a woman in Shakespeare's life. Twenty-Third Avenue Books, 1015 NW 23rd Ave, 224-6203, 7:30 pm
Nani Power
Crawling at Night. The story of a sushi chef who reads pornographic magazines alone at night, pining for his love, an alcoholic waitress who only wants the baby she gave up too many years before... Twenty-Third Avenue Books, 1015 NW 23rd Ave, 224-6203, 7:30 pm
Poetry Party for Kids and Parents, with Bruce Lansky
Interactive poetry for all ages, book signing and refreshments. Bring the kids, and learn that poetry is sometimes silly, usually fun, and at its best, powerful. Barnes & Noble, 1720 N Jantzen Beach, 283-2800, 11 am
Judith Barrington Anniversary Celebration
Twenty-five years ago she made Portland her home, the US her country. Since then, she's become a guiding force in Portland poetry circles, a teacher, and a writer. Her most recent is nonfiction prose, Lifesaving: A Memoir. Broadway Books, 1714 NE Broadway, 284-1726, 7 pm
Hep Cats and Dharma Bums: The Music and Poetry of the Beat Movement
A.R.T. Unplugged. Music and poetry, working together, read by local actors. Susan Banyas, Leannne Grabel, Steve Sanders, Mercury contributor John Dooley, and many more! Get that old Beat feeling that made you love poetry the very first time. Artists Repertory Theater, 1516 SW Alder St, 241-1278, 7 pm, $5
Margaret Chula
Tanka. It's a form similar to haiku, though longer and more lyrical. Chula's latest collection of tanka is Always Full. Broadway Books, 1714 NE Broadway, 284-1726, 7 pm
* James Ellroy
A reading and a movie! Tickets on sale at 23rd Avenue, the show's at Cinema 21. Ellroy's latest, The Cold Six Thousand, is a book with incredibly pared down language its damn choppy. But he's got plenty of fans just the same. Definitely interesting, strong images, dynamic plotting. The film is James Ellroy's The Feast of Death. Twenty-Third Avenue Books, 1015 NW 23rd Ave, 224-6203, 7 pm, $5
* Andy Mangels and Michael Martin
Mercury contributor and author Andy Mangels signs the first gay themed Star Trek book, Section 31: Rogue. BORDERS BOOKS, 708 SW Third Ave, 220-5911, 7 pm
* David Gans
Co-producer of the Grateful Dead boxed set So Many Roads. He's a songwriter, a writer, and performer. Nye Beach Writers' Series, Studio Theatre Performing Arts Center, 777 West Olive, (541) 574-7708, 7 pm
* Chuck Palahniuk
Okay, so Broadway Books was full to capacity and you didn't get to see Palahniuk read from Choke last week. Here it is again! He's smart, he's funny, he's willing to entertain extensive Q&A. Go ahead, ask him anything. Twenty-Third Avenue Books, 1015 NW 23rd Ave, 224-6203, 7:30 pm