HOLY GOD ARE YOU GUYS HUNGRY OR WHAT? We pretty much feel like we're dying, but it's only day four of Portland Burger Week, so let's struggle through this together. We still have so many burgers to eat.
Here's what's gone down so far during #PortlandBurgerWeek, other than a whole lot of shoving burgers into our face holes.
We've been on some advenutres in the #pattywagon...
Spotted on my bike commute into work! I know where you liiiiive! #portlandburgerweek @portlandmercury pic.twitter.com/oBT6n8oO3l
β AlyssaCarter (@AlyssaCarter) August 10, 2016
Read about the moment that changed my life! #PortlandBurgerWeek @portlandmercury #PattyWagon https://t.co/TGfHfopgAD
β Kelsey Wilkins (@Kelsey_Wilkins) August 11, 2016
Meet our new best friends from @ihadtheburger! pic.twitter.com/bOdwGO5Soc
β Portland Mercury (@portlandmercury) August 10, 2016
We've seen some burger costumes...
I AM BURGER KING #portlandburgerweek pic.twitter.com/3vqZjhcPFX
β MILF βοΈ (@Dangergoon) August 11, 2016
@Portlandmercury A wild burger appeared! #portlandburgerweek #btubrassarie @btubrasserie #generaltsoburger pic.twitter.com/Zh6iiT5g0R
β Aly Mccoy (@LMImagination) August 10, 2016
And inspired some pretty great tweets...
Portland Burger Week has a special poignancy this year. I think the whole city is feeling it. #portlandburgerweek #hope
β Jason Traeger (@jasontraeger) August 9, 2016
The burger @MichaelPhelps eats during #portlandburgerweek #gold #RioOlympics2016 pic.twitter.com/jcpUPXBjvL
β Jake Madosik (@JaketheHater) August 10, 2016
Every place we've been to for #PortlandBurgerWeek also has a Jim Beam/beer special so we gettin' wasted
β SS (@sahexy) August 10, 2016
Really underestimated how popular #portlandburgerweek is... pic.twitter.com/7QvYf7Nn3b
β Christina Kempster (@cmkempster) August 11, 2016
We passed @saltandstraw (line down the block) and Scott was like, "Do they have a burger?" #PortlandBurgerWeek
β Leigh Ann W (@LeighAnnPDX) August 11, 2016
I've eaten 7 burgers in the last 2 days and now my blood feels thick and slow as it moves around my body. #portlandburgerweek
β campydraper (@campydraper) August 11, 2016
Never been prouder of my parents than the moment I checked Instagram and saw they've been photographing their #PortlandBurgerWeek burgers
β SS (@sahexy) August 11, 2016
It's #portlandburgerweek which means next week will be Antacid Week 2016.
β David Mascorro (@DavidMascorro) August 8, 2016
Just a reminder: Live every week like it's Burger Week, and don't forget the commandmentsβtip, order sides and drinks, and be kind to the staff and each other! Enjoy the next three days!