Despite "exceedingly close call" Portland Auditor's Office says commissioner and mayoral candidate's use of taxpayer money to alter his Wikipedia page isn't a definitive violation. Secretary of State will investigate other potential violations.
Mayoral candidates Gonzalez, Mapps, and Rubio have unveiled starkly different ordinances for regulating camping in Portland, as the city tries to fix legal issues with its prior rules.
Rubio has offered PSR a lifeline from the Portland Clean Energy Fund. Critics say Rubio is treating PCEF like a slush fund to boost her political aspirations.
According to the county, the budget package requires cuts that could lead to at least two current homeless shelters shuttering within the year—and the elimination of rent assistance programs.
Mayor Wheeler and Commissioner Ryan were asked to involve the perspective of homeless Portlanders before passing a plan to criminalize homelessness in Portland.