Mercury contributor Alex Falcone had a pretty meaty role on the new episode of Portlandia—he plays the pen-spinning editor pitching a story about Portland's Manliest Man.
The amazing thing about this clip—in which Alex plays a character clearly based on Wm. Steven Humphrey, Steve pitches that Manly Man idea like EVERY WEEK—is that last night on Alex's live local talk show Late Night Action, he actually did interview Portland's Manliest man. In Alex's interview with chainsaw-wielding mascot Timber Joey, we learned that Joey's ridiculously manly past includes lumberjackery (?), rodeo-ing (?), and professional rugby playing (that one's for sure a word). Oh, and he recently got into yoga.
Bobby Roberts was also on the show, talking about his new podcast Welcome to That Whole Thing, and the 47 members of Harlow and the Great North Woods played a great set. The highlight of last night's show for me, though, was seeing Britney Spears' "Toxic" as performed by a spot-on Liza Minnelli impersonator. Did you guys know Portland has a really good Liza Minnelli impersonator? We do!
Tonight's the last night of Late Night Action's current run. (It'll be back at some point.) My conflicts-of-interest with this one run pretty deep—starting with Alex being a Mercury contributor, ending with my boyfriend helping to produce the show—so maybe I'm not your most reliable witness, but I think it's a super fun little show with a great mix of comedy, music, and interesting local guests. Tonight, former Mercury reporter/current dead-to-us Bitch online editor Sarah Mirk. And Liza's back! The show's at 9 pm tonight at Action/Adventure Theatre, 1050 SE Clinton. Tickets are here.