Just because YOU cant enjoy a nice picnic outside, IM supposed to suffer too?
"Just because YOU can't enjoy a nice picnic outside, I'M supposed to suffer too?" Twitter Screen Shot

YOU MADE IT TO THURSDAY. That's something, right? So reward yourself with some laffs and smiles, courtesy of the daily Mercury Cheer Up Club—featuring a buncha funny, sweet tweets designed to turn your frown upside-down. LET'S BEGIN, SHALL WE?


Today in "bitchin' kitchen drum solos" news:

Today in "the only sports content I care about right now" news:

Today in "maybe he should've ordered takeout?" news:

Today in "Freezer Queen is a national treasure" news:

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The Freezer Queen. #bostonlegal @bettymwhite

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Today in "I'm trying to feel sorry for the human... I just can't" news:

Today in "Okay, so I guess I'm jealous of a squirrel now" news:

Today in "MOOOOOMMM! You're embarrassing meeeeeee" news:

Today in "the grandparents America needs right now" news:

And finally, today in "not all heroes wear shirts" news:

And actually finally, today in "What, I'm not going to include this one, too?" news:

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