I once heard of a guy whose mom made him a sweater out of the family dog's fur, so there a precedent for this line of jewelry made from cat hair. It doesn't actually look that weird at all:


If you want to give it a whirl (and cause allergic reactions in 20 percent of the people you encounter), here's how from creator Kate Benjamin: "I started with a good grooming session with several of the cats, then I hand-rolled each ball of cat fur into a tight bead... By rolling the loose fur between your palms, the strands become felted together, forming a solid little bead." And then, well, you're kind of on your own as far as employing the fur balls as beads, but that's what craft circles are for. Or for a slightly less uh, intimate usage you can forgo the jewelry and turn them back around on your felines as cat toys. (Probably don't make them bite sized unless you're looking to get even more coughed up fur balls in your life.) Here kitty kitty...