Just because he's amusing and has a cute dog, let's not take it easy on Ezra. Let's make sure he has as awkward a time as Erik. A much worse time than Marjorie. May he have the opposite of my delightful night out with the foot fetishists. To recap the premise of the Discomfort Zone: Based on a Blogtown poll, we send a knock-kneed scribe out to an event that is decidedly outside of their comfort zone, usually to an event they wouldn't normally cover or an event that gives them the whim-whams based on their personal heebie-jeebie levels. To Ezra's lineup!
Zombiestock 2011
Dammit, this got canceled. Ezra would've been really uncomfortable there.
Portland Poetry Slam
Yelling! Slam poetry! All ages angst! Iambic pentameter! Free verse read from diaries! According to the blurb, "[It's] Portland's most punk rawk literary show extravaganza pitting eight poets against each other for $50 and the chance to represent PDX poetry to it's [sic] finest." This has great potential for snarky commentary. Backspace, Sunday, July 31, 7:30 pm
George Lopez
Lowest common denominator stand-up is probably the worst stand-up comedy known to humans. In his right mind, Ezra wouldn't step foot in this place for the comic stylings of George Lopez, where he might be treated to jokes about Lopez's Mexican grandma and the psyche-up song War's "Low Rider." "But Lopez is a pro," you think. Indeed, but just watch. Ugh. Keller Auditorium, Friday, July 29, 8 pm
Picnic with the Portland Skyliners Tall Club
This is my personal favorite! Ezra's long been fascinated by the Portland Skyliners Tall Club, a club founded "for the purpose of promoting friendship and good fellowship among tall people." Ezra "I'm Taller and Better Than You" Caraeff needs some fellowship and feel-good picnicking. Decreed by Blogtown, he should have to join the Skyliners and attend a concert in the park... in Lake Oswego. The trifecta of awkward: tall people club membership, picnic with strangers watching some easy-grooves from the Gretchen Mitchell Band, and the drive to schmancy Lake Oswego. Sounds like total discomfort to me. Portland Skyliners Tall Club concert and picnic in the park, Westlake Park, Lake Oswego, Wednesday, August 3, 6:30 pm
Let's rock the vote! (Due to a polling issue, you might have to vote again. Poll ends tomorrow at 3 pm.)