So as you know, I'm doing my Discomfort Zone thing tomorrow (CAT STORIES?? AT 10:30 IN THE MORNING?? Oh, for the love of Christ.), but our own Ned Lannamannaman is being thrust into the Discomfort Zone next week! GOT ANY IDEAS THAT WILL MAKE HIM WRITHE IN DISCOMFORTMENT?
If you want to play, look for weird, discomfortable events that fall anytime on the following dates: FRIDAY, AUGUST 26-SUNDAY, AUGUST 28.
What we know about Ned so far: He likes science. He hates horrible music. He dislikes making contact with other human beings. That's about it. (Oh, and while you are welcome to suggest things like, "Shit into a hat and make him wear it," we would prefer actual events that we don't construct ourselves. Otherwise, we'd be using our own endless supply of sadistic creativity to torture Ned, which is a lot worse than merely wearing a shat-into hat, and super illegal I think.) HAPPY HUNTING!