You know that creepy, anti-gay, hyper-Christian ad that Rick Perry started pushing yesterday? Turns out, it was too crazy for even some on Perry's staff:
When the ad was being crafted several weeks ago, Perry's top pollster, Tony Fabrizio, called it "nuts," according to an email sent from Fabrizio to the ad's main creator, longtime GOP operative Nelson Warfield. In a separate email to The Huffington Post, Warfield confirmed that the ad was made over Fabrizio's objections."Tony was against it from the get-go," Warfield wrote. "It was the source of some extended conversation in the campaign. To be very clear: That spot was mine from writing the poll question to test[ing] it to drafting the script to overseeing production."
I guess it's progress that there was some contention inside a Republican campaign over a homophobic ad, but of course insaner heads prevailed. Meanwhile, others are pointing out that Perry is rocking a Brokeback Mountain look in the commercial.