The Associated Press and CNN have already called it for Mitt Romney in New Hampshire. He's the first Republican to win both Iowa and New Hampshire since Iowa became the first-in-the-nation state in 1976.

Here's what The New York Times has for totals:


All that remains now is the number-watching. Will Romney beat his 2008 total of 31% of the vote? (Probably.) Will he beat John McCain's 2008 total of 37%? (Probably not.) Can Huntsman pull ahead of Ron Paul for second placel? (I'm guessing no.) Will Gingrich stay one step ahead of Rick Santorum? (God, I hope so.) Will Rick Perry earn more than one percent of the vote? (God, I hope not.)

We'll be watching the speeches and staying on top of the numbers for the rest of the night.

ALSO: NBC is predicting Ron Paul will take second place.