1. Did you know that Rick Santorum is still in the presidential race? I had to check, but it's true! Apparently, he is very upset about Mitt Romney saying he doesn't care about poor people, too:

We saw something the other day that Mitt Romney said. It sort of sent a chill down my spine as a conservative and a Republican. Mitt Romney said, 'I don't care about the very poor as long as they have a safety net there, I don't really care. If we need to repair the safety net, that's fine, I'm not going to focus on them. I'm going to focus on' — I think he said — 'the 95 percent.' That's not the Republican Party I want to belong to. I want to belong to a party that focuses on 100 percent of Americans and creating opportunity for every single one.

2. But when he's not busy feeling concern for every single American, Rick Santorum is coming down with a bad case of the Glenn Becks, seeing doomsday everywhere:

To hear him tell it, the United States will collapse under the weight of its health care system and basic freedoms will be history. Iran will annihilate Israel and then South Carolina if Iran isn't blocked from building a nuclear weapon. And divorce will yield higher taxes for all Americans.

3. On the lighter side of things, hot tipper Ben sent along what he calls his "nominee for gif of the YEAR." I think I agree with Ben. Check it out... after the jump.
