There are so many cultural experiences to be had this weekend, it's downright overwhelming to choose, but Disjecta's opening reception for GLEAN tonight from 6-9 pm is making my cut. A collaboration between Cracked Pots, Recology, and Metro, they tapped five artists (Andrew Auble, Chandra Glaeseman, Greg Hanson, Jennifer LaMastra, and Sarah Wolf Newlands) to create an exhibit made entirely of materials gathered from the dump. LaMastra is the clincher for me here; as Portland's most prolific designer of "trashion," she is immensely talented, especially working in a medium that can easily veer into the ridiculous/dorky. Her imagination and elaborate, meticulous construction techniques are reliably showstoppers. The Glean web site just put up some sneak peek photos today of the set-up, including what looks like a healthy number of LaMastra's pieces. Go check it out, and if you can't make it tonight, the exhibit will be up through the 30th, albeit sans the live models demonstrating how to wear garbage couture with panache.

- Giving new meaning to the term "hot mess."