Sara Bergman
Sara Bergman

Sundaze Collectiveโ€”a monthly fashion pop-up curated by Sarah Radcliffe of The Yo! Store, and features a rotating lineup of local designers and makersโ€”is back for their October installment after taking a quick break last month. Vendors include Sara Bergman, Artjaden, Pouring Out, The Pursuits of Happiness, Deja Sparks, Theresa Neef, Wolf Ceramics, Oko, Mizuba Tea Company, and more.
The Cleaners at Ace Hotel, 403 SW 10th, Sun Oct 1, 11 am-5 pm

Curvy Chic Closet will host their semi-annual shopping event specifically geared for women size 14-34. Shoppers will be able to snag the latest clothing, shoes and accessories at deep discounts from consigning customers as well as 22 vendors. The sale will last all weekend, with the main event being a free fashion show featuring a few of the vendors on Saturday evening at 7PM. More info can be found here.
12505 NW Cornell, Fri Sept 29, 10 am- 9 pm, Sat Sept 30, 10 am- 9 pm, Sun Oct 1, 10 am- 5 pm, free

As always, be sure to visit our fashion calendar to keep up to date on all things fashion event related here. Got a fashion event? Drop us a line here.