Wildfang, Portland's tomboy-style brand and purveyor of perfectly tailored button-downs for long-torsoed people, has so far raised $44,550 in their campaign to help keep South Dakota's last abortion clinic open. I'm not usually thrilled by corporate acts of charity—a lot of times, it seems like an (inefficient) optics game more than anything, and I'm always left wondering how many of the proceeds from my pink pepper spray purchase (this is a real thing) actually go towards breast cancer research.
BUT. Abortion is something that sometimes even the most nominally progressive groups and companies are unwilling to touch. I already love Wildfang—see: perfectly tailored button-downs—and this is good news. Here's the company's MO from their Indiegogo page:
The ‘WE’RE NOT GOING BACK’ Project funds will go directly to the Sioux Falls Planned Parenthood Clinic in South Dakota. If this project is funded, we can ensure hundreds of thousands of women have access to the health care they need in a state where that healthcare is most at risk.
$650 helps one women who needs financial aid meet the cost of their abortion care.
$5,000 allows doctors to travel to and from Sioux Falls for 1 month.
$50,000 covers the cost of a security guard for the clinic for 1 year.
$250,000 pays for medical staff to serve the clinic for 1 year.
$750,000 funds the clinic to stay open for a 1 year.
In related news, yesterday was the 45th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion. It's a national disgrace that anyone has to fundraise to keep clinics open.