Well, here we go again, highlighting another Unmentionable: A Lingerie Exposition. And yes, just like last year, I was the emcee—but I’m not gonna toot my own horn. Because while I killed it last year, this time around I felt my hosting skills were... a bit sub-par, shall we say? However, I did have one funny anecdote that didn’t fall flat: I asked the crowd what word they preferred I use when talking about unmentionables (AKA underwear): “Do you like chonies, undies, or what??” Someone yelled “panties,” and I responded by saying that my best friend’s male OBGYN once asked her to “take off your panties.” Okay, maybe it was more gross than funny, but at least it got a laugh. Hey! I told you it wasn’t my best year!
Nevertheless, this event was a lot of fun. Besides all the gorgeous lingerie from the city’s best designers, another highlight was one of the hot male models wearing a leash and being walked around the catwalk like a hot pup! Oh, and the crowd (pictured here) looked pretty great, too. By the way, what do you call your first layer? I prefer “chones,” short for chonies. No? Okay. Bye! xo, PP