Fact: Riesling is the greatest white wine ever, and Oregon is making better and better Rieslings. In celebration, Teutonic Wine is hosting I Love Riesling this Saturday (July 14), featuring 12 local winemakers. (If you have preconceptions of Riesling, ditch them right now! It’s a wonderful, versatile wine, ranging from bone dry to beautiful, golden sweet examples that pair with desserts.)
In previous years (at different venues), the festival has had more producers, but this is a focused lineup that includes James Rahn, Maloof, Libertine, Loop de Loop, Anne Amie, and Teutonic themselves. Each winery will have up to four Rieslings, and you’ll get to keep your custom glass. Marinated pork sandwiches will be for sale as well. Tickets are $10 now, $15 on the door.
Saturday, July 14, 2-6 PM, more info here