Now that the Republican e-mail investigation is over, the Republican sit-in investigation begins.
With the Republican e-mail investigation over, the Republican sit-in investigation begins. Rob Crandall /

This definitely sounds like a great use of government time and resources:

WASHINGTON β€” Representative Kevin McCarthy, the House majority leader, said on Tuesday that Democrats who protested the lack of votes on gun legislation by essentially seizing the House floor for more than 24 hours recently may be punished for breaking House rules.

The behavior was not β€œbecoming of the U.S. Congress,” Mr. McCarthy said in an interview with a few dozen reporters on Tuesday. He said that it was his understanding that Democrats had mistreated House staff members and perhaps even damaged congressional furniture as they shut down the chamber with a sit-in-style protest.

Meanwhile, the Gun Violence Archive says there have been 6,949 gun deaths in America so far this year, and 175 mass shootings.