- Illustration: Molly Mendoza
FOR THE PAST FEW YEARS I've tried to find Pride offerings that weren't entirely focused on getting wasted and laid for this top 10 list. Those efforts stemmed from a belief that Pride is about more than just partying and hooking up with strangers, and it might be an opportunity for us to reconnect with our LGBTQ roots as a community, come together around our shared history, and honor the people who have fought so hard to get us to this place where at least some of us are happy, healthy, loved, and celebrated.
This year, I give up.
Some of these picks will get you wasted, some will get you laid, and some will be a glorious, corporate-sponsored spectacle of the messy, glittery, disco-infused glue that apparently holds our community together.
If you are looking to come to a deeper understanding of your history as a queer person during Pride this year, I suggest you stay at home and read a book.
10. Gaylabration
What's gayer than hundreds of shirtless, muscle-bound gym bunnies dancing under laser lights until the sun comes up? You'll probably regret everything that happens if you go, but I'm pretty sure that's the point. Crystal Ballroom, 1332 W Burnside, Sat June 13, 10 pm, $20-60
9. MRS. "Pride Queen"
For those of you who love playing dress-up, MRS. is your opportunity to become someone else—or, perhaps, your true self. Hosted by Pepper Pepper, this party bills itself as a celebration of queer nightlife, queens of all genders and non-genders, and body positivity. If that's your thing, go get your sparkly, drunken, costume party inclusivity on. Mississippi Studios, 3939 N Mississippi, Sat June 13, 10 pm, $5
8. Free Bleed
One part Pacific Northwest queer talent showcase, one part dance party, and all parts hot sticky fun, Free Bleed promises an "anti-racist, body-positive, sex-positive, queer-as-fuck freaky radical" experience, which strives "to create an environment of respect, celebration, and fun." Hosted by Magic Mouth frontman Chanticleer Tru, this party features local hiphop mess Bomb Ass Pussy and everyone's favorite DJ, Chelsea Starr. Oh, and you can have your fortune read by Coco Paradise while you stuff a sandwich into your facehole. What more do you want? Vendetta, 4306 N Williams, Fri June 12, 9 pm, $10