- Katie Summer
- Genders at Mississippi Studios
I am always a little surprised that Helvetia doesn't get a larger crowd when they play. Don't you know who they are? Jason Albertini (of Duster and Built to Spill) and Canaan Amber Dove have a rotating line up for their ever-evolving experimentation under the name Helvetia, this time around with Jim Roth adding awe-inspiring guitar and Tiburones' Samantha Stidham on bass. Yes, there are moments when you hear a little BTS influence, but they move beyond that, creating a sound that is at once expert and easy. If you haven't yet, you should catch one of their shows.
- Katie Summer
- Helvetia, with a little help from Maggie and the King
- Katie Summer
- Tiburones
Tiburones played in their original line-up with lots of familiar songs. The prolific Luz Elena Mendoza is captivating wherever she plays, whether on a stage or in a basement.
Lots more photos of all three bands after the jump!
- Katie Summer
- Tiburones
- Katie Summer
- Tiburones
- Katie Summer
- Tiburones
- Katie Summer
- Tiburones
- Katie Summer
- Tiburones
- Katie Summer
- Tiburones
- Katie Summer
- Tiburones
- Katie Summer
- Helvetia
- Katie Summer
- Helvetia
- Katie Summer
- Helvetia
- Katie Summer
- Helvetia
- Katie Summer
- Helvetia
- Katie Summer
- Helvetia
- Katie Summer
- Genders
- Katie Summer
- Genders
- Katie Summer
- Genders
- Katie Summer
- Genders
- Katie Summer
- Genders
- Katie Summer
- Genders
- Katie Summer
- Genders
- Katie Summer
- Genders