The new video releases for July 18 are a gentle reminder that, even with a famous cast, Hollywood can still make a pretty entertaining Grade B Movie. Break out the gravity bong!
The Whole Nine Yards (2000)--In his most challenging role to date, Chandler from Friends plays a dentist. In his least challenging role to date, David from Moonlighting plays his mobster neighbor.
Boiler Room (2000)--Wall Street 2K. Welcome to the fast-paced, exciting world of--the stock exchange? Okay, whatever. Not since Dogma has Ben Affleck appeared in such an, um, intellectually astute film. One wonders: Does he get paid in coke for this shit, or what?
Ride with the Devil (1999)--Despite the fact that the annoying actor levels in this film are sky-high (Skeet Ulrich, Jewel), History Channel fanatics will enjoy this intense film about young men in the Confederate Army.
What Planet are You From? (2000)--Garry Shandling plays an alien trying to impregnate an earth woman. Are you sure this isn't a documentary?