WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE between a Rabbit Hole and a K-hole? Because apparently a Rabbit Hole is when—spoiler alert!—your kid gets run over by a teenager right in front of you and you spend years living in the same house and being depressed about it. What does that make a K-hole? Urban Dictionary says, "An experience that can be triggered by higher doses of ketamine... After experiencing the K-hole, users may feel enlightened or spiritually awakened." K-razy! Because that's exactly what happens—double spoiler alert!!—at the end of a Rabbit Hole, too!
Becca (Nicole Kidman, convincing and even a little endearing in her grief) and Howie (Aaron Eckhart, concerned, discouraged, loving) are trying to move on after the death of their toddler, who chased the family dog into the street and was run over by teenaged Jason (Miles Teller). They're going to group couples counseling ("She's with God now. God had to take her. He needed another angel," one couple says of their daughter). They attend housewarming parties ("Oh, this is great. I really need another bathroom set"). But they still can't move on. They can't sell the house, and they especially can't fuck ("I feel like you're trying to rope me into sex!").
Then Becca sees a teenage boy in a grocery store and inexplicably starts stalking him. At first you think she's just obsessing about having a child again, and it's annoying because you think she's just a child-crazy woman who refuses to commit to the act of actually creating another child. It's actually downright maddening. But then you learn that—triple spoiler alert!!!—the boy is actually the driver of the car that smashed her son's head. Let the healing process begin! I think I'll take the K-hole.