THORS BALLET CLASS Its a very ominous ballet class.
  • THOR'S BALLET CLASS It's a very ominous ballet class.

This leaked yesterday afternoon—at which point everybody promptly expected that (A) the poor bastard was who was responsible for the leak was immediately going to lose his job, and (B) that Marvel would yank the trailer immediately and send out an avalanche of cease and desists. While (A) probably still happened (sorry dude), (B) didn't—instead, Marvel was all, "Oh, we—ah—shit. We totally meant for this to come out suddenly and unexpectedly on a Wednesday afternoon! Yeah! That's the ticket! And we meant for this to happen so much that, um, here's a poster too. Yeah, yeah, see? That's the ticket!"

Despite a few great moments—BLACK WIDOW MOTORCYCLE! ANGRY HULK! ULTRON THE HERKY-JERKY DANCER!—this thing feels very by-the-book Ominous 'n' Epic Trailer, with one key difference: Amidst all the James Spader-as-an-eeeeevil-robot monologuing, and amidst all the scenes of mopey Cap and CGI chaos and Nick Fury finally getting a beanie to keep his head warm, there's a weirdly distracting shot of a ballet class.

This is now the greatest mystery of Avengers: Age of Ultron, and I will not rest until it is solved. Which of the Avengers is taking this ballet class? Which of the Avengers is good at ballet? Which of the Avengers, despite all evidence to the contrary, wholeheartedly believes that a masterful performance of Swan Lake is the key to defeating James Spader's eeeeevil robot?

All evidence points to Thor.