If you love sex, weed, and having the crap scared out of you, do we have a movie event for you! It's called the MERCURY'S SUMMER MOVIE MASHUP—and it's got all this fun and more!
Here's how it works: We're combining THREE of our world-famous film festivals into one big, sexy, stoney, scary movie showcase. The Summer Movie Mashup features select shorts from SPLIFF, our stoner film fest; SLAY, our horror film fest; and HUMP, the lil' porn festival that started it all!
Trust us: It'll be a wild night of all the SEX, BLOOD, and DRUGS we can fit into one short film showcase! And it's playing every Friday and Saturday night through August 21... so grab your tickets now!
Want a sneaky-peeky? WATCH THE TRAILER HERE.
Summer Movie Mashup from Index Media on Vimeo.