Summertime rolls along with Ecotrust's excellent Sundown series returning this season. Each Thursday in July, the conservation organization hosts an evening of music and environmental awareness, and if that sounds stuffy, let me put it this way: Party in the parking lot! (The concerts take place in the Ecotrust building parking lot while each evening's presenting host has a private party on the rooftop terrace.)
Sundown at Ecotrust is exactly that, a free weekly gathering on the Ecotrust building roof with a focus on "deliberate living"—a refreshing change from your usual MO of "accidental decaying"—but the best part are the bands that Ecotrust has lined up for each evening. Take a look at the schedule:
Thursday, July 5 — Protecting WATER — featuring TyphoonThat's a terrific lineup. The kickoff on July 5 will be Typhoon's first Portland show since December of last year; they've been holed up at Pendarvis Farm to record their new album. This'll be the first in a series of shows and festivals Typhoon will play the rest of the year (Pickathon, the Great Idea at Enchanted Forest, MFNW). And the rest of that roster is outstanding as well. These rooftop concerts are free, and are powered by a biodiesel/wind/solar generator; take a look at photos from last year on Ecotrust's site. Plus, free bike valet. See you on the roof!
Thursday, July 12 — Reimagining ENERGY — featuring Laura Gibson and Grandparents
Thursday, July 19 — Honoring FOOD — featuring Holcombe Waller and Sarah Jackson-Holman
Thursday, July 26 — Treasuring FORESTS — featuring The Builders and the Butchers and Kelli Schaefer
Ecotrust, 721 NW 9th, Thursdays in July, 5:30-8:30 pm, FREE