The inaugural issue of She Shreds is a glossy 23-page magazine featuring interviews with Corin Tucker and Scout Nibblett, some guitar-playing tips, and a profile of a Portland fuzz pedal builder. Put together by local musicians Natalie Baker and Fabi Reyna—who's currently touring Europe with Chain and the Gang—She Shreds is a DIY affair that bears a lot in common with female drummer magazine Tom Tom.
"This was Fabi's dream for a long time," says Baker, who's editorial director of the new magazine and plays guitar herself, though not in a band. "When she'd read mainstream guitar magazines, there'd be no women. Or if there were, they'd just be showing off guitars, wearing bikinis or something. There are lots of badass people on guitar who are not being represented." The ladies raised over $1000 at two benefit concerts to publish the first issue of She Shreds, which you can buy in Portland at Reading Frenzy, Powell's, Jackpot Records, and Everyday Music. You can also order a copy of the magazine online for $5.